(almost) Wordless Wednesday

If we’re friends on Facebook (and if we aren’t, why not?  There is all sorts of fun stuff not here on the blog!) you’ve already seen the picture below:

Happy Lab

Per my New Year’s Resolution I spent some alone time with super smiley Tag yesterday.  We went to a little park in our neighborhood and ran around like silly kids, played on the jungle gym, and watched some ducks that were happily swimming around.

Happy DogI have to say, it actually broke my heart a little bit seeing just how happy she was to be the center of attention.  What a simple thing that I was denying her.  Yesterday just encouraged me to spend even more one-on-one time with my pups.

Happy Dog

Happy Hump Day Wednesday!

“S” is for…

Summer, sand, and SUN:

IMG_2924The elements necessary for a happy Morgan, and happy dogs.

IMG_2929Yesterday Maggie and I spent the day at a lake soaking up as much sun, and as you can tell by the pictures, sand, with some of our best friends; human and non human alike.

IMG_2912IMG_2922IMG_2928Tomorrow Rich and I are packing a backpack with water, snacks, and my camera and heading out with our three mutts for a day of hiking.  And the next day?  Probably the beach.  Gotta spoils the pups as much as we can before we leave for a week on the honeymoon!  What elements bring you and your dog the most joy?

Fun with Friends

On Saturday a couple of friends and I decided to take our pups out for an adventure.  There is a little hidden lake that few people ever go out to which makes it a great place to let the dogs run free, which is precisely what we did.


We had a blast.  The dogs ran, and ran, and swam, and ran, and sniffed, and ran some more.



We had quite a time trying to get all six to sit and pose for a picture.  As you can see, we were not successful.

Katelyn, attempting to reason with the dogs.

Katelyn, attempting to reason with the dogs.


Regal Reagan did a wonderful job supervising the pack.

Regal Reagan did a wonderful job supervising the pack.


I spy two dogs.  Do you see them?

I spy two dogs. Do you see them?

It was nice to enjoy to great outdoors a little and the dogs were thrilled to stretch their legs and explore.  By the time we were ready to leave, everyone was pooped.  Did you have any fun adventures with your with pups this weekend?  I’d love to hear about them!

"Ok, we goes home now foster mom?"

“Ok, we goes home now foster mom?”

Hiking on the Holidays

On Sunday we had, what is turning into almost a weekly tradition, another pack walk.  Before hand, Maggie and I met a couple of friends, including her boyfriend Jango, at the dog park.  Maggie was stellar!  She ran and played and was perfect the whole time.  It is absolutely amazing to me to see the improvement in her.  Mere months earlier, if a new dog had ran into her or gotten in her face too quickly, she would almost certainly have responded with a snip or growl in their direction.  It is important to note, this is a fear based behavior, not an aggressive one as many people are quick to assume.  Not today though!  Maggie was so good, even when a fight broke out, she stuck near my side and continued to happily play with the dogs around us.


Maggie’s boyfriend, Jango.

 After we played at the dog park, we went to the meeting spot for this week’s pack walk.  One of the regular’s had been suggesting that we try a new park, Lafayette Heritage, so we finally decided to give it a whirl.  It was great!  We had our largest turnout yet; I believe there were 15 dogs dogs there total including quite a few adoptable dogs!  By the time we got home, Maggie was completely tuckered out, and acted a tad bit drunk.  It was a hoot.


Since both Rich and I had today off for the holiday, we decided to head back to Lafayette Heritage, this time with all three pups and my camera in tow.  Enjoy some pictures from our beautiful hike:








A lovely way to spend our day off.  If you are in Tallahassee and interested in joining Tallahassee WalkABulls, comment and I can give you more information!